Hello World! I'm currently a student at CORNELL UNIVERSITY. I'm majoring in COMPUTER SCIENCE with a minor in GAME DESIGN. I have been programming for 4 YEARS already. I love designing and building MOBILE APPS, WEBSITES, and GAMES using a variety of tools. You can find some of my projects and demos here in </PROJECTS>.

If you wish to learn more about me, feel free to take a read in </ABOUT>.


Ever since I was a kid, there've always been three things on my bucket list: make a positive impact on our community, travel and learn more about the diverse cultures on our planet, and live a happy life.

I am not in the position to judge how I've changed things for good or whether I'll end up happy, but what I do know, though, is that I've been to many places and experienced different lives, all of which make me who I am today.

While I'm not busy writing code or grinding school work, I usually take some time off and do other things that I enjoy, such as 馃幘(tennis), 鉀凤笍(skiing), 馃崝(eating), 馃帴(movies), 馃帶(music), and of course, 馃幃(gaming).

Back to Life cover
</Back to Life>
Unity 3D 路 Maya
Kuso Neko cover
</Kuso Neko>
Unity 2D 路 Photoshop
Glutton Free cover
</Glutton Free>
Unity 2D 路 Photoshop
Arthur's Wacky Weapon War cover
</Arthur's Wacky Weapon War>
Unity 2D 路 Aron Granberg A* Pathfinding 路 Photoshop
Tap Tap cover
</Tap Tap>
ReactJS 路 Firebase 路 Axios 路 Bootstrap 路 Figma
Babblr Translator cover
</Babblr Translator>
Swift UIKit 路 DeepL API 路 AssemblyAI API 路 MongoDB
Wandering Pac-Man cover
</Wandering Pac-Man>
OCaml 路 ANSI Terminal 路 Dune
iOS Lumiere cover
</iOS Lumiere>
Swift UIKit 路 Firebase
Web Lumiere cover
</Web Lumiere>
ReactJS 路 NextJS 路 Firebase 路 ChakraUI
Pac-Man 3D cover
</Pac-Man 3D>
Unity 3D 路 NavMesh Agents
Running Square cover
</Running Square>
Unity 3D

Designed with 鉂わ笍 by Andy Pang 漏 2024